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Table des matières
Depuis les ports :
portupgrade -N murmur
On change les droits des différents répertoires (par défaut, tous les répertoires appartiennent à root) :
chown murmur /var/log/murmur/ /var/db/murmur/ /var/run/murmur/
Un example de fichier de configuration :
# Path to database. If blank, will search for # murmur.sqlite in default locations or create it if not found. database=/var/db/murmur/murmur.sqlite # If you wish to use something other than SQLite, you'll need to set the name # of the database above, and also uncomment the below. # Sticking with SQLite is strongly recommended, as it's the most well tested # and by far the fastest solution. # #dbDriver=QMYSQL #dbUsername= #dbPassword= #dbHost= #dbPort= #dbPrefix=murmur_ #dbOpts= # Murmur defaults to not using D-Bus. If you wish to use dbus, which is one of the # RPC methods available in murmur, please specify so here. # dbus=session # Alternate service name. Only use if you are running distinct # murmurd processes connected to the same D-Bus daemon. #dbusservice=net.sourceforge.mumble.murmur # If you want to use ZeroC Ice to communicate with Murmur, you need # to specify the endpoint to use. Since there is no authentication # with ICE, you should only use it if you trust all the users who have # shell access to your machine. # Please see the ICE documentation on how to specify endpoints. #ice="tcp -h -p 6502" # Ice primarily uses local sockets. This means anyone who has a # user account on your machine can connect to the Ice services. # You can set a plaintext "secret" on the Ice connection, and # any script attempting to access must then have this secret # (as context with name "secret"). # Access is split in read (look only) and write (modify) # operations. Write access always includes read access, # unless read is explicitly denied (see note below). # # Note that if this is uncommented and with empty content, # access will be denied. #icesecretread= icesecretwrite= # How many login attempts do we tolerate from one IP # inside a given timeframe before we ban the connection? # Note that this is global (shared between all virtual servers), and that # it counts both successfull and unsuccessfull connection attempts. # Set either Attempts or Timeframe to 0 to disable. autobanAttempts = 10 autobanTimeframe = 120 autobanTime = 300 # Murmur default to logging to murmur.log. If you leave this blank, # murmur will log to the console (linux) or through message boxes (win32). logfile=/var/log/murmur/murmur.log # If set, murmur will write its process ID to this file. pidfile=/var/run/murmur/ # The below will be used as defaults for new configured servers. # If you're just running one server (the default), it's easier to # configure it here than through D-Bus or Ice. # # Welcome message sent to clients when they connect welcometext="<br />Welcome to <b>Sheltem's Server</b>.<br />May The Tartiflette Be With You<br />" # Port to bind TCP and UDP sockets to port=64738 # Specific IP or hostname to bind to. # If this is left blank (default), murmur will bind to all available addresses. host=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX # Password to join server serverpassword=password # Maximum bandwidth (in bits per second) clients are allowed # to send speech at. bandwidth=72000 # Maximum number of concurrent clients allowed. users=30 # Regular expression used to validate channel names # (note that you have to escape backslashes with \ ) #channelname=[ \\-=\\w\\#\\[\\]\\{\\}\\(\\)\\@\\|]+ # Regular expression used to validate user names # (note that you have to escape backslashes with \ ) #username=[-=\\w\\[\\]\\{\\}\\(\\)\\@\\|\\.]+ # Maximum length of text messages in characters. 0 for no limit. #textmessagelength=5000 # Maximum length of text messages in characters, with image data. 0 for no limit. #imagemessagelength=131072 # Allow clients to use HTML in messages, user comments and channel descriptions? #allowhtml=true # Murmur retains the per-server log entries in an internal database which # allows it to be accessed over D-Bus/ICE. # How many days should such entries be kept? # Set to 0 to keep forever, or -1 to disable logging to the DB #logdays=31 # To enable public server registration, the serverpassword must be blank, and # this must all be filled out. # The password here is used to create a registry for the server name; subsequent # updates will need the same password. Don't lose your password. # The URL is your own website, and only set the registerHostname for static IP # addresses. # Only uncomment the 'registerName' parameter if you wish to give your "Root" channel a custom name. # #registerName=Mumble Server #registerPassword=secret #registerUrl= #registerHostname= # To enable bonjour service discovery uncomment the following line. # To change the name announced by bonjour adjust the registerName variable. # See for more information # about bonjour. #bonjour=True # If you have a proper SSL certificate, you can provide the filenames here. # Otherwise, Murmur will create it's own certificate automatically. #sslCert= #sslKey= # If murmur is started as root, which user should it switch to? # This option is ignored if murmur isn't started with root privileges. uname=murmur # If this options is enabled, only clients which have a certificate are allowed # to connect. #certrequired=False # You can configure any of the configuration options for Ice here. We recommend # leave the defaults as they are. # Please note that this section has to be last in the configuration file. # [Ice] Ice.Warn.UnknownProperties=1 Ice.MessageSizeMax=65536
Ensuite on défini le mot de passe “superuser” (ce qui crée également le fichier de base de données de murmur) :
/usr/local/sbin/murmurd -ini /usr/local/etc/murmur.ini -supw password
On ajoute ça dans /etc/rc.conf :
Tout simplement :
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/murmur start
Firewall (pf)
La ligne qui va bien pour que pf laisse passer le traffic entre les clients (mumble) et le serveur (murmur) :
pass in on $ext_if proto { tcp udp } to ($ext_if) port 64738
$ext_if est une macro défini en début de fichier de configuration :
ou re0 est à remplacer par le nom de l'interface réseau.
freebsd/murmur.1314716792.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2011/08/30 15:06 de sheltem